Friday, 4 June 2010

the truth about ozrip off larry pickering csi arbitrage

For those of you who were a the Western Australian Expo business show the other weekend and was offered a free laptop if you bought the CSI software and then relized that there was no laptop on offer at all but relized that it was a laptop that was in a competition and if you wish to make a complaint about this then click on this link below and lodge an online complaint with the office of fair trading queensland.

As this was just another lying tactic created by Larry Pickering to encourage people to buy into his scam and also I have an attached document which is an email that I sent to a J. Perry at the Expo centre and guess what he did in regards to this email everyone NOTHING thats right J.Perry who runs these business expos completly ignored my email and allowed Larry Pickering to go ahead with him promoting his scam software at the expo just so he could get paid 50k for allowing them there.

Mr J Perry can be contatced at

Event Management International Pty Ltd

Mail: 106 Canterbury Road, Middle Park Victoria 3206
Telephone: 1300 889 655 or + 61 3 9696 9961
Facsimile: +61 3 9696 4558

So go right ahead and give J.Perry a call and ask him as to why he didnt cancel the CSI stand at the expo to prevent anyone from falling victim to the CSI scam.

Now Mr Perry knew that they were offering a laptop for people when they joined but CSI later informed him after the expo that they were just saying that to them just to get them to buy the software and guess what John replied back to Pickering( I DONT GIVE A f**k WHAT YOU DO AS LONG AS YOU PAY ME FOR YOUR STAND)

This is why these scam artist have prospered its because money talks and morals walk unfortunatly.

Well if anyone who was scammed in Perth by the CSI fraudsters and if you are looking for someone to blame then give old Mr J.Perry a call and maybe he might have some answers as to why he allowed criminals to come and rob your bank accounts and then later on accept stolen money from Larry Pickering to pay for the CSI stand

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